West & American Samoa |
Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa |
Henry, Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa |
bye bye American Samoa, Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa - Apia, West Samoa |
hello West Samoa, Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa - Apia, West Samoa |
Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa - Apia, West Samoa |
Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa - Apia, West Samoa |
Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa - Apia, West Samoa |
Talofa Airways, Pago Pago, American Samoa - Apia, West Samoa |
Heute war
der kürzeste Geburtstag meines Lebens! In Amerikanisch Samoa war es heute der
3. Mai bis ich um 13:30 Uhr abflog... nach 20 Minuten landete ich in West Samoa
am 4. Mai (13:50 Uhr). Diesmal flog Henry den Aero Commander 690/10 und wir
waren nur 3 Passagiere an Bord (Platz haben 9).
Zurück in
Apia (wir landeten im kleinen Flughafen Fagalii in der Nähe der Stadt) nahm ich
mir ein Taxi zum Hotel Millenia, wo ich vor fast 2 Wochen meine turbulenten 2
Wochen in Samoa begonnen habe...
Today was the shortest birthday of my
life! In American Samoa it was the 3rd of May until I left at 1:30 pm... after
20 minutes I landed in West Samoa on May the 4th (1:50 pm). This time Henry
flew the Aero Commander 690/10 and we were only 3 passengers on board (there
are seats for 9).
Back in Apia (we landed at the small
airport Fagalii near town) I took a taxi to the Hotel Millenia where I started
my turbulent 2 weeks in Samoa almost two weeks ago...
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